Friday Song: “My Hero”

A tribute to Taylor Hawkins brings the drum circle of life to light

Friday Song: “My Hero”

Dave Grohl was already near the top of my list of musical idols before he orchestrated last Saturday’s 6-hour celebration of the life of his dear friend and bandmate Taylor Hawkins, who died earlier this year unexpectedly while the Foo Fighters were on tour.

This is the second time Grohl has faced a bandmate’s high-profile and untimely passing, with Kurt Cobain’s death leading Grohl to step out from behind Nirvana’s drum kit so he could invent the Foo Fighters, using music as a crucible to burn away the shock and sorrow connected with Cobain’s death.

Hawkins occupies a spot high on that “musical idols” list for a lot of people, as well. The extent of admiration became clear last weekend via a packed Wembley stadium, millions watching the livestream on YouTube all over the globe, and dozens of top-notch musicians traveling to honor the late drummer.

Most touching and impressive of all the performances — including Grohl’s moving and stripped down “Evermore” and his heartbreaking rendition of “Times Like These” — was the performance of “My Hero” with Hawkins’ son Shane behind the kit.

Shane has his Dad’s drumming stance, hair, and Animal-esque energy, yet even at 16 years old, you can see he has “it” as well. In the video below, Omar Hakim, a masterful drummer who has worked with nearly everyone, is captured watching from behind and nodding approvingly at how Shane holds it down. The build and snare snap at one of the later breaks is utter perfection.

The circle of life rolls forward. In this case, it’s a drum circle.

Rest in power, Taylor Hawkins. We all miss your joy and talent.

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