Survey Results: Covid in 2022

Testing, vaccination rates, moods, and mental health all factor into the New Year

Survey Results: Covid in 2022

We’re in another wave of Covid, which made it seem like time for another look into our professional space to see how we’re doing, feeling, and coping.

I’ve done multiple surveys since the pandemic began, starting in April 2020, and then focusing on personal impacts (May 2020), a follow-up to the April survey (August 2020), one focused on social and personal aspects (September 2020), and one focused on economic and job impacts (November 2020). Once the vaccines became available, it seemed time to move on — but the virus and misinformation purveyors had other ideas . . .

As a result, last week I ran a blended survey of previous questions, modified questions, and new questions.

A total of 126 people responded. Thanks to everyone who took the time. This summary of results and selected comments is being provided free. Full comments and comparisons are being shared with subscribers in a separate post.

These results may surprise some people from countries with more stringent testing requirements.
Omicron hits.
For about 65%, the level of concern has increased.
Nice job. Very reassuring.

Selected Comments

I am based in the US and the politics around Covid (plus growing threats to our democracy) are as much of a concern for me as the actual virus. The threat of sociopolitical instability seems to loom in a way I’ve never seen in my life up to now. Maybe I’m just on edge after spending the last two years cooped up in the house, worrying about everything from the health of myself and loved ones to more mundane supply chain issues, but my mood isn’t great.
I know I’m feeling confused at the moment — trying to figure out best practices in a situation where there’s more virus than ever before, but it seems less severe overall and I’m vaccinated and boosted, has been tricky. I feel like I’m super inconsistent in making choices about how to live through all of this. I’m also burning out after nearly two years of remote work at an extremely urgent pace — there’s not a lot of fuel left in the tank.
I am most concerned with long-term psycho-social effects on the children, teens, and college-age adults.
I’m just so cranky.

Full comments are available in a subscriber-only post, along with comparisons to previous survey results.

Comparisons and Full Comments

I hope this highway marker helps you calibrate yourself. Stay strong, you aren’t alone, we’re all picking our way through this, and vaccines are our best bet so nice work on that front everyone . . .

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